If you come across any tasks on Airtasker that don't follow the Community Guidelines or make you feel uneasy, please let us know by reporting it.
Here are some simple steps on how to report a task:
- Open the task page by clicking on it.
- On the right-hand side of the task page underneath the blue "Make an offer" button and More Options drop-down, you will find an option that says "Report this task."
- Click “Please select a category” and choose from the options provided
- Put in your comments and hit “Send Report"
- On the task, select “More options”
- Select “Report”
- Select why you'd like to report it and your reasoning, enter your comments, and hit “Send”
- On the task, select “More options” Select “Report”
- Select why you'd like to report it and your reasoning
Here are some simple steps on how to report a comment:
- Hover over to the comment you want to report and select the flag icon
- Select why you'd like to report it and your reasoning
- Put in your comments and hit “Send Report”
iOS and Android
- On the comment, tap the down arrow in the bottom right corner
- Tap on “Report as inappropriate”
- Select why you'd like to report it and your reasoning
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