It’s great when things go smoothly on Airtasker! With that in mind, here are a few tips to help make sure it all goes to plan.
Ask questions
Asking questions makes sure you’re both on the same page about what needs to happen on the task. This is important for tasks when the description is short, unclear or vague.
Do ask:
- The Poster for more details (e.g. photos) to help you understand exactly what they need when making an offer.
- Ask open questions such as “Where will the task happen? Are tools provided or required?”
- Ask for feedback once you've started the task to make sure you're on track.
Don’t ask
- Questions that aren’t related to the task (this will lower your chance of getting assigned).
Make a clear offer
Offers that show you’ve read and understood the task helps show the Poster you know what they need. Offers with plenty of detail also reduce the chance of disagreements and increase the likelihood of getting assigned to the task.
- Include as much detail as you can in your offer e.g. what tools you’ll be bringing.
- Make sure you can meet any “must-haves” for the task.
- Be honest about your availability, your experience and why you’re the best person for the job.
- If the task requires a qualification or license to complete the task, (e.g. electrical work), make sure you have it (you can apply for a badge here).
- Make an offer that doesn’t reflect the full cost of completing the task.
- Make an offer that goes against Airtasker's Community Guidelines.
- Ask to do the task outside of Airtasker or ask for payment outside of Airtasker Pay. If something goes wrong, Airtasker can't help you with payment. Your account might also be limited and Airtasker insurance won't cover you.
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