Star ratings, reviews and completion rates are based on the performance history of users on Airtasker and allow us to ensure a positive experience for both Customers and Taskers.
Star Ratings ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall Star Rating:
In addition to written reviews, star ratings are a quick way for Customers to give you feedback. The overall star rating is a score out of 5, calculated as an average of all the reviews and stars that a member has received from past tasks. They’ll rate their tasks based on many variables such as communication, reliability, accuracy of job description and quality of job performed (to name a few). So it works both ways, be friendly, professional and communicate clearly to ensure a pleasant experience for all!
Tasker Quality Rating:
Customers can also separately rate you on 4 specific qualities: Communication, Punctuality, Eye for detail, and Efficiency. This rating doesn't contribute to your overall star rating but will give other Customers an idea of your performance with respect to certain qualities that they may value in a Tasker.
Completion Rate:
This is an indicator of reliability and shows the percentage of tasks that you have completed compared to all the tasks they were assigned. Only the cancellations that were caused by you will affect your rate. The completion rate is only shown after you have been assigned to 5 Tasks or more. Airtasker takes completion rates very seriously as we know how important it is to find someone reliable to get a task done! Any Tasker who has a consistently low completion rate may be removed from the platform.
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